1. Pokemon Rom Hacks Reddit

ROM hacks, also known as hack games or ROM patches, are video games that have been edited or altered by enthusiasts. The hackers achieve this by changing the code of the Read-Only Memory of a published video game to create something new. Patch the Red.ips file to a clean Pokemon Red (U) ROM; Rename the Pokemon Red (U).gb to Red.gb. If your computer doesn't show.gb in the end of the file name, just rename the file to Red. Open the ROM with VisualBoyAdvance 1.80 and load save state from Slot 1 by pressing F1 button. You should end up being in Oak's lab and ready for the battle.

Pokemon Rom List

Pokemon Rom Hacks Reddit

So today I was noticing a disturbing lack of completed pokemon hacks. Especially the ones that look really cool (Violet Purple). Its pretty disheartening going through pages of forums seeing the creator go 'It will get done' and 'Quitting is not an option' to 'Its still alive, but we have other priorities, so we are taking a hiatus, note THIS IS NOT DEAD' and then not post for a few years. So it is my goal with this post to help compile some of the better hacks that are COMPLETE. So please comment here roms that are complete.