The HyperTerminal tool, included with Windows 2000, allows you to communicate directly with your system's modem. Through HyperTerminal, you can reset the modem or issue configuration and diagnostic commands. These capabilities can help you determine whether or not the modem and computer are communicating correctly. Starting HyperTerminal and setting up a new connection Before you can use HyperTerminal to troubleshoot your modem, you must create a connection to the port the modem is using. To do so, follow these steps: • Click Start Programs Accessories Communications HyperTerminal.
To check whether or not an RS-232 serial port is working, perform an RS-232 loopback test by doing the following. To open a telnet session on the COM port, you need a telnet client like PuTTY or Hyper Terminal. Windows XP comes with Hyper Terminal. 2500 Creekside Parkway, Suite 100 Lockbourne, Ohio 43137 U.S.A. I use the hyperterminal to communicate and send commands to serial port COM1. On the hyperterminal window, I used to type such a command: AT+ZV SPPCONNECT. This command is sent to the device connected to the COM1 port. Now I want to cancel the hyperterminal, and sue a Java program.
• Once HyperTerminal opens, it will automatically prompt you to create a new connection if none exist. Shining hearts dub. If no connection(s) exists, you can click File New Connection to create a new one. • Specify a name for the connection, choose an icon, and click OK. • In the Connect To dialog box, choose the COM port being used by your modem (usually COM1 or COM2) from the Connect Using drop-down list and click OK. • In the port property sheet that appears, choose a port speed (bits per second) that matches the device.