Inazuma Eleven Ares is debuting in Japan this fall, following a delay from this summer. Fortunately, we have official confirmation regarding a western release. In an announcement covering its 20th anniversary, Level-5 reveals that Inazuma Eleven Ares is heading west in 2019.
This month, Level-5 once again updated the for Inazuma Eleven Ares, sharing some additional details and pictures for the game. This time around, only the System section of the website was updated, with new screenshots for previously revealed details, but also brand new screenshots and details. One of the key points of the game, like in previous Inazuma Eleven titles, lies in scouting players for your football team. You can talk to your manager in order to do so. Generally, you need to fulfill specific conditions in order to convince a player to join your team.
Next, some details about gameplay systems, starting with passes. As seen in the screenshots below, you have lines “linking” the various players: those allow you to see at a glance where the other players are, and who you can send the ball to.
This system is said to be both intuitive, and allowing for deep, strategic play. Here’s how you pass the ball: • 1) you select the pass course. The lines indicate who you can send the ball to, but just sending it at random won’t do: you have to carefully think about who to send it to, depending on the situation of the game (like the position of players from the other team, etc.); • 2) you determine the timing of your pass. Just like you can’t really send the battle to any player, you also have to take other things into account: the distance between players, but also the timing of your pass. When you’ve passed the ball to another player, the camera automatically switches to them. You then have to keep passing the ball around until you’ve reached the other team’s goal! As mentioned in, Inazuma Eleven Ares uses a command system.